Linear Stainless Steel Collection

Linear Stainless Steel Collection

from $2,290.00

The clean & minimal Linear Bench is handcrafted from 12 precision cut segments of brushed stainless steel tubing connected by a hidden flat bar at each corner. Fully welded construction eliminates the need for screws or bolts which may loosen over time, resulting in a durable and seamless finish.

Details & Dimensions

H: 18" 
D: 11"
L: 40" or 58" (available stock), other and custom sizes by special order

41 lbs (58" L) 

-High grade 2"x2" 304 stainless steel construction is equally at home indoors and out 

-Each leg is finished with a high impact plastic cap to protect flooring surfaces

-For commercial or permanent installations, table & benches can be fixed to the flooring/ground surface (contact us for more details)


All Sarabi Studio furniture pieces are handcrafted in Austin, TX. We source our steel, wood, abrasives, packaging, and all other consumables from domestic and environmentally responsible sources whenever possible. We ship carbon neutral and with 100% recyclable packaging for almost all of our products.

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